Herwig, HeinzHeinzHerwig2019-07-172019-07-172018International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC 2018)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/2959In order to teach heat transfer systematically and with a clear physical background it is recommended not to ignore entropy as a fundamental quantity. Heat transfer processes are characterized by introducing the so-called entropic potential of the transferred energy and an assessment number is based on this new quantity. Prior to these considerations the concept of a thermally active layer is introduced by which various heat transfer situations can be uniquely qualified with respect to their general performance. And: It is suggested to categorize heat transfer situations quite generally as either conduction based or radiation based heat transfer processes. Three examples illustrate all these different aspects.enAllgemeines, WissenschaftHow to teach heat transfer more systematically: Involving entropy and some newly defined quantitiesConference PaperOther