Krause, DieterDieterKrauseSchwede, Lea-NadineLea-NadineSchwedeDambietz, FlorianFlorianDambietzHanna, MichaelMichaelHanna2022-12-152022-12-152022in: Design Methodology for Future Products, Springer: 265-285 (2022) constantly growing market variety results in an increasing internal variety, which is reflected in increased variety costs. In order to cope with this situation, different methods for the development of modular product families and their modular product architectures were developed. During the implementation of these methods, different product data come together, which are linked in different tools. At this point, a document-based approach reaches its limits and inconsistencies occur. To counteract, the trend of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is being integrated into methodical modular product development. Using the example of method units of the Integrated PKT Approach for the Development of Modular Product Families, it is shown how the deposit of a meta model of product data enables consistency. The consistent model of the method units Design for Variety and Life Phases Modularization is extended by two elements: Configuration systems and the effects of modular product architectures. A configuration system based on this enables the efficient addressing of customer requirements in sales. The linking of the effects of modular product architectures strengthens the objective of Life Phases Modularization. Furthermore, the resulting consistent overall model generates several analysis options and opens up new possibilities, such as the establishment of Digital Twins.enIngenieurwissenschaftenModel-Based Systems Engineering: Discovering Potentials for Methodical Modular Product DevelopmentBook Part10.1007/978-3-030-78368-6_14Other