2022-04-042022-04-042019CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2420 (): - (2019)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/12192The proceedings contain 36 papers. The topics discussed include: cognitive BPM: business process automation and innovation with artificial intelligence; process mining on event graphs: a framework to extensively support projects; process mining as a strategy of inquiry: understanding design interventions and the development of business processes; visualization of environmental performance indicators (EPI) on business process models: a hospitality industry perspective; the role of culture in business process management adoption; ensemble predictive process mining – taking predictive process mining to the next level; business process sketch recognition; compliance to data protection and purpose control using process mining technique; the design and validation of a process data analytics methodology for improving meat and livestock value chains; the business process management game; and action logger: enabling process mining for robotic process automation.enInformatikWirtschaftHandel, Kommunikation, VerkehrBPMT 2019 - Proceedings of the Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration Track at BPM 2019, co-located with 17th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2019 : Vienna, austria, September 1-6, 2019Conference Proceedingshttp://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2420/Depaire, BenoîtBenoîtDepaireDe Smedt, JohannesJohannesDe SmedtDumas, MarlonMarlonDumasFahland, DirkDirkFahlandKumar, AkhilAkhilKumarLeopold, HenrikHenrikLeopoldReichert, ManfredManfredReichertRinderle-Ma, StefanieStefanieRinderle-MaSchulte, StefanStefanSchulteSeidel, StefanStefanSeidelAalst, Wil van derWil van derAalstOther