Neckel, LeandroLeandroNeckelFaller, Cristian A.Cristian A.FallerBabič, MatejMatejBabičMontedo, Oscar R. K.Oscar R. K.MontedoBergmann, Carlos P.Carlos P.BergmannJanßen, RolfRolfJanßen2021-01-112021-01-112021-01-01Materials 14 (1): 64 (2021) study on the strength of ceramic fiber bundles based on experimental and computational procedures is presented. Tests were performed on single filaments and bundles composed of two fibers with different nominal fiber counts. A method based on fiber rupture signals was developed to estimate the amount of filament rupture during the test. Through this method, the fiber bundle true strength was determined and its variation with the initial fiber count observed. By using different load-sharing models and the single filament data as input parameter, simulations were also developed to verify this behavior. Through different approaches between experiments and simulations, it was noted that the fiber bundle true strength increased with the fiber count. Moreover, a variation of the fibers’ final proportion in the bundles relative to the initial amount was verified in both approaches. Finally, discussions on the influence of different load-sharing models on the results are presented.en1996-1944Materials20211Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute fiberfiber bundleload sharingtensile behaviorsimulationChemieTrue strength of ceramic fiber bundles : experiments and simulationsJournal Article2021-01-0810.15480/882.323310.3390/ma1401006410.15480/882.3233Other