Palmaricciotti, GiovanniGiovanniPalmaricciottiPatzke, JustusJustusPatzkeHellmers, SandraSandraHellmersManojlovic, NatasaNatasaManojlovicFröhle, PeterPeterFröhle2021-04-192021-04-192015 paper presents a laboratory-based analysis of green roofs water retention capacity. The testing facility includes the rainfall simulator “RS-TUHH”, two green roof models and the measuring equipment. The first series of tests was carried out with three rain events and three roof slopes. Test results show that the thicker the substrate the higher the retention. However, the longer the duration of the rainfall the smaller the influence of this parameter. This is confirmed by the value of the discharge coefficient “C” calculated with the FLL-procedure. The green roof can retain the rainwater until its saturation, then no further retention takes place. The variation of the roof slope between 2 % and 6 % does not show significant effects.en roofs modellingrainfall simulationlaboratory testsTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenLandschaftsgestaltung, RaumplanungLab-based study to analyse the influence of parameters on the water retention capacity of green roofsResearch Report10.15480/882.343910.15480/882.3439Other