Überrück, MichaMichaÜberrückJanßen, Christian FriedrichChristian FriedrichJanßen2019-10-082019-10-082017-12International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 4 (27): 390-396 (2017-12)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/3529This contribution addresses the applicability of an efficient lattice Boltzmann-based single-phase free-surface model for the simulation of wave impact on the side walls of 2-D containers. The computational efficiency of the method is known to allow for very short turnaround times, but wave impact simulations have not been investigated in detail yet. Results for a selected wave impact case are discussed, the convergence behavior in space and time is analyzed, and limitations of the single-phase free-surface model are revealed. The results show that lattice Boltzmann method (LBM)-based single-phase free-surface models are a viable tool for predicting the impact wave behavior, but the quality of the pressure signal is limited, because of the absence of air in the simulations.en1053-5381International journal of offshore and polar engineering20174390396Impact pressureLBMTank sloshingOn the applicability of lattice boltzmann single-phase models for the simulation of wave impact in LNG tanksJournal Article10.17736/ijope.2017.jc679Journal Article