Elzalabany, Ahmed Mohamed AbdelmeguidAhmed Mohamed AbdelmeguidElzalabanySettler, VincentVincentSettlerRost, RobertRobertRostLödding, HermannHermannLödding2023-12-202023-12-202022-0621st International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries (COMPIT 2022)https://hdl.handle.net/11420/44715Ship commissioning is an essential process in the maritime industry where all components in the ship are tested to ensure that client requirements and specifications are fulfilled. Commissioning consists of three main phases: preparation, execution, and documentation. Commissioning test preparation and execution require a long time, high effort, and experience to perform. To enhance the process of commissioning, by supporting commissioning planners and engineers, a comprehensive digital com-missioning system was developed. The system presented in this paper employs an automation approach for more efficient preparation of commissioning content, and uses Augmented Reality for commission-ing execution.enManufacturingDigitalization of maritime commissioning : a system for automatic content creation and augmented reality-based commissioning executionConference Paperhttp://data.hiper-conf.info/compit2022_pontignano.pdfBertram, VolkerVolkerBertramConference Paper