Kwiatkowski, AndreasAndreasKwiatkowskiBlath, Jan PeterJan PeterBlathWerner, HerbertHerbertWernerSchultalbers, MatthiasMatthiasSchultalbers2023-02-272023-02-272006Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, CACSD : 4 - 6 Oct. 2006, Munich, Germany. - Piscataway, NJ, 2006. - 4064802 2327-2331 (2006) paper presents an application of LPV control to an LFT model of the intake manifold of an SI engine. The gain scheduled LPV controller approach is motivated by the highly nonlinear nature of the system. A nonlinear model of the plant is derived and slightly simplified to construct an LPV model as LFT representation. Using a controller synthesis technique based on K-S iteration a controller is obtained and tested in nonlinear simulations. © 2006 IEEE.enTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenApplication of LPV gain scheduling to charge control of a SI engineConference Paper10.1109/CACSD-CCA-ISIC.2006.4777003Other