Kölpin, AlexanderAlexanderKölpinKhanna, RahulRahulKhanna2020-07-082020-07-082013-12-23IEEE Microwave Magazine 7 (14): 6668896 (2013-12-23)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/6674Ubiquitous wireless connectivity, Internet of Things, as well as navigation has a continuously rising impact on professional applications as well as our daily life. This evolution would be unimaginable without wireless sensor networks and wireless sensor technology. Wireless sensors applications in wearable computing gets more and more interest for ambient assisted living, monitoring medical parameters, or seamless integration of communications in everyday life. Internet of Things today gains rising impact in commercial and professional automation and offers a huge bunch of applications. WiSNet2014 will also cover this challenging topic. Besides, sensor networks and wireless sensors and their technology are an essential part of WiSNet.1527-3342IEEE microwave magazine20137157WiSNet2014Journal Article10.1109/MMM.2013.2281247Other