Pietsch, SwantjeSwantjePietschHeinrich, StefanStefanHeinrichKarpinski, KatjaKatjaKarpinskiMüller, MichaelMichaelMüllerSchönherr, MichaelMichaelSchönherrKleine Jäger, FrankFrankKleine Jäger2019-10-222019-10-222017-07Powder Technology (316): 245-255 (2017-07)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/3601In this contribution coupled CFD-DEM-simulations of a laboratory prismatic spouted bed with two horizontal gas inlets are presented. With regard to a feasible simulation time, the simulations are parallelized and a coarse-graining approach is used in order to handle a high amount of particles. Different drag models are used within the simulations to evaluate their applicability to represent the experimental results. The spouting stability is analyzed by means of the time-dependent pressure drop behavior. The influence of draft plates in the process chamber on the particle flow patterns and spouting stability is investigated both numerically and experimentally. By means of simulations, the residence times of particles within the spray zone are evaluated for different gas flow rates.en0032-5910Powder technology2017245255CFD-DEM modeling of a three-dimensional prismatic spouted bedJournal Article10.1016/j.powtec.2016.12.046Other