Masuhr, ChristianChristianMasuhrBüsch, LukasLukasBüschSchüppstuhl, ThorstenThorstenSchüppstuhl2023-08-292023-08-292023-06International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2023)97830313824069783031382413 hydrogen is odorless, invisible and highly flammable, regular checks must be carried out to ensure the safe operation of large-scale H2-electrolyzer systems. Leakage tests are conducted during the assembly, the commissioning and the operation of the plant. Since many leakage tests have to be executed, efficient processes are required to reduce production and downtimes to enable a fast scale-up of electrolysis capacities. Therefore, Methods for leakage inspection are compared and technological implementations are discussed. This work contributes to the necessary analysis of requirements to derive research demands and solution concepts for large-scale electrolysis plants.Leakage Inspection for the Scale-Up of Hydrogen Electrolyzers: A Case Study and Comparative Analysis of TechnologiesConference Paper10.1007/978-3-031-38241-3_56Conference Paper