Liebhardt, BerndBerndLiebhardtEhlers, ThorstenThorstenEhlersShah, Rhea DevenRhea DevenShah2024-10-042024-10-042024-07AIAA Aviation Forum and ASCEND 2024978-1-6241-0716-0 methodology is presented for automatically designing and optimizing flight paths for civilian supersonic airplanes on long-haul flights. The paths are rerouted over water to avoid the landfall of emitted sonic booms. The toolchain consists of all-proprietary modules for flight path drafting, mission trajectory simulation, sonic boom carpet computation, and coastline modification. The latter constitutes a novel approach to path finding. The method’s realism is enhanced by employing 3-D atmospheres including winds.enTechnology::600: TechnologyMethodology for automated supersonic flight path routing and optimizationConference Paper10.2514/6.2024-4630Conference Paper