Gay, RichardRichardGayHu, JinweiJinweiHuMantel, HeikoHeikoMantel2022-10-272022-10-272014-12Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8880 LNSC: 378-398 (2014) is a novel tool for hardening distributed Java programs. CliSeAu takes as input a specification of the desired properties and a Java bytecode target program, i.e. the format in which Java programs are usually provided. CliSeAu returns hardened Java bytecode that provides the same functionality as the original code, unless this code endangers the desired properties. By monitoring the components of a distributed system in a decentralized and coordinated fashion, our tool CliSeAu is able to enforce a wide range of properties, both effectively and efficiently. In this article, we present the architecture of CliSeAu, explain how the components of a distributed target program are instrumented by CliSeAu, and illustrate at an example application how CliSeAu can be used for securing distributed programs.enInformatikCliseau: Securing distributed java programs by cooperative dynamic enforcementConference Paper10.1007/978-3-319-13841-1_21Other