Leopold, ChristianChristianLeopoldLiebig, WilfriedWilfriedLiebigWittich, HansHansWittichFiedler, BodoBodoFiedler2020-04-252020-04-252016-06European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM): (2016-06)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/5878The size effect of unmodified and graphene nanoparticle modified epoxy matrix is experimentally investigated. A significant size effect due to a statistical defect distribution is identified for the neat matrix. The graphene modified matrix shows almost no size effect. Failure initiates at the nanoparticles, counteracting any size effect due to a statistical defect distribution. In a bulk volume, energy dissipation mechanisms play a more important role, therefore higher values for tensile strength, compared to the neat matrix, are obtained with a nanoparticle modification.enDefect distributionFew layer grapheneSize effectTensile strengthInfluence of graphene nanoparticles on the size effect of epoxy matrixConference PaperOther