Papakonstantinou, StephanosStephanosPapakonstantinouKloock-Schreiber, DanielDanielKloock-SchreiberKocks, TomTomKocksWieczorek, UweUweWieczorekGollnick, VolkerVolkerGollnick2023-12-132023-12-13202342nd IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC 2023)9798350333572 progress in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) enables development of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) concepts and networks. These concepts rely on ground-based infrastructure that requires different vertiports with different characteristics depending on the location, tasks (from vertistops, traffic hubs to maintenance hubs) and their responsibilities. For the planning and design, task-related functional processes, their variants, the respective functions and their parameters are important key factors. The elaboration of processes and functional flows for the different task areas of vertiports has so far only been considered in a rudimentary way or at a very high level of abstraction and is not well documented in the scientific literature. This paper focuses on a solution space oriented view of functions and processes and their adaptation to individual requirements for single vertiport configurations and provides an approach to represent these functions as BPMN Swimmlane diagrams. In the scope of this paper the main contribution lies in the representation of the safety analysis and MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul) functions on vertiports.enAAMAirtaxiBPMNMROSafetyUAMVertiport-ProcessesVertistopCommerce, Communications, TransportEngineering and Applied OperationsVertiports task areas and functional sequences for basic operations in urban spaceConference Paper10.1109/DASC58513.2023.10311150Conference Paper