Sielck, NoahNoahSielckErkelenz, KevinKevinErkelenzJacob, ArneArneJacob2022-07-112022-07-112021-0451st European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2021) paper presents a self-diplexing microstrip patch antenna (MPA) for dual-band operation in the satellite communication bands around 20 GHz and 30 GHz. By providing two orthogonal linear polarizations in both bands, left and right circular polarization (CP) can be generated with proper external circuity. The footprint of the antenna is smaller than 5x5 mm2. It thus fits in half the free space wavelength grid at 30 GHz, as imposed by array physics for wide grating lobe free scan ranges. The antenna is realized with only four layers in standard printed circuit board (PCB) technology. Its -10 dB-reflection bandwidth reaches 0.6 GHz and 1.25 GHz around 20 GHz and 30 GHz, respectively. The port isolation is better than 15 dB in the lower and 25 dB in the upper band.encircular polarizationdual frequencydual linear polarizationpatch antennasatellite communicationself-diplexingA Self-Diplexing Dual-Polarized K-/Ka-Band Patch AntennaConference Paper10.23919/EuMC50147.2022.9784160Conference Paper