Studer, JuliaJuliaStuderDransfeld, ClemensClemensDransfeldFiedler, BodoBodoFiedler2020-04-252020-04-252016-06European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM): (2016-06) this paper the influence of the fabric architecture on the processing window for a pressure controlled through-thickness impregnation of dry fabrics with thermoplastic melt is discussed by measuring and implementing the compaction and permeability behaviour of two reference fabrics in a numerical analysis of the impregnation process. For the two reference fabric optimum pressure and target fibre volume fraction are defined, and the necessary adaptation of the model for a more accurate description of the direct thermoplastic injection impregnation is discussed.enFabric compactionFabric relaxationFlow modellingThermoplastic compositesThrough thickness impregnationDirect thermoplastic melt impregnation of carbon fibre fabrics by injection mouldingConference PaperOther