Autexier, SergeSergeAutexierHutter, DieterDieterHutterMantel, HeikoHeikoMantelSchairer, AxelAxelSchairer2022-11-152022-11-151999-07Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1632 LNAI: 207-211 (1999) developed as an automatic inductive theorem prover [2] based on res- olution and paramodulation, the inka system was redesigned in inka 4.0 in the early ’90s [8] to meet the requirements arising from its designated use in formal methods. Meanwhile several large industrial applications of the verication sup- port environment (VSE) [7] have been performed which gave rise to thousands of proof obligations to be tackled by its underlying deductive system inka.enInformatikSystem description: Inka 5.0 - a logic voyagerConference Paper10.1007/3-540-48660-7_15Other