Dostal, LeoLeoDostalKreuzer, EdwinEdwinKreuzerNamachchivaya, Navaratnam SriNavaratnam SriNamachchivaya2019-05-032019-05-032013-04-02Procedia IUTAM (6): 132-140 (2013) ship motion and ship stability in random seas are of major interest for the development of new advanced intact stability criteria. The purpose of this research is to improve the safety of new ship designs, but the results are relevant also for other engineering systems involving multiple scales. We focus on roll-pitch and roll-heave motion in random seas. The random wave excitation is modeled by a non-white stationary process. This process is derived from a spectral description of the random seaway using traveling effective wave. © 2013 The Authors.en2210-9838Procedia IUTAM2013132140Elsevier seasstochastic averagingTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenStochastic averaging of roll-pitch and roll-heave motion in random seasConference Paperurn:nbn:de:gbv:830-882.03333410.15480/882.222610.1016/j.piutam.2013.01.01510.15480/882.2226Conference Paper