Bhattacharya, DebayanDebayanBhattacharyaLatus, SarahSarahLatusBehrendt, FinnFinnBehrendtThimm, FlorinFlorinThimmEggert, DennisDennisEggertBetz, ChristianChristianBetzSchlaefer, AlexanderAlexanderSchlaefer2024-01-102024-01-102023-0745th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2023) positioning is essential for various medical applications such as epidural anaesthesia. Physicians rely on their instincts while navigating the needle in epidural spaces. Thereby, identifying the tissue structures may be helpful to the physician as they can provide additional feedback in the needle insertion process. To this end, we propose a deep neural network that classifies the tissues from the phase and intensity data of complex OCT signals acquired at the needle tip. We investigate the performance of the deep neural network in a limited labelled dataset scenario and propose a novel contrastive pretraining strategy that learns invariant representation for phase and intensity data. We show that with 10% of the training set, our proposed pretraining strategy helps the model achieve an F1 score of 0.84 whereas the model achieves an F1 score of 0.60 without it. Further, we analyse the importance of phase and intensity individually towards tissue classificationen SciencesMedicine, HealthElectrical Engineering, Electronic EngineeringTissue classification during needle insertion using self-supervised contrastive learning and optical coherence tomographyConference Paper10.15480/882.904110.1109/EMBC40787.2023.1034064810.15480/882.90412304.13574Conference Paper