Müller, ThomasThomasMüllerGollnick, VolkerVolkerGollnick2024-11-212024-11-21202434th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2024https://hdl.handle.net/11420/52059Generally, prototyping goes hand in hand with additive manufacturing technologies. Especially in the construction of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), these rapid prototyping methods are a key to quickly obtaining a functional prototype. The Institute of Air Transportation Systems is working on an innovative vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) model in the 25 kg weight class. The main airframe is intended to be built from composite materials in combination with each other and/or with the help of 3D printing materials. This article details the construction methods for the structure of the proposed aircraft. A main focus lies on the implementation of 3D printing methods, mainly via Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and different types of plastic as printing material, to derive different construction methods, including composite hybrid structures, for the respective structural components. In addition, issues on structural design, load tests and final results of the efforts are presented. This paper is intended to be a guide for other developers/researchers, who start prototyping their own serious aircraft builds, without being dependent on conventional machinery.en3D PrintingAdditive ManufacturingComposite AircraftVTOLTechnology::690: Building, ConstructionTechnology::629: Other Branches::629.1: Aviation::629.13: Aviation EngineeringBuilding methods for a composite constructed VTOL using 3D printing techniquesConference PaperConference Paper