Dobschall, FinnFinnDobschallHartmann, HaukeHaukeHartmannBittinger Sophia CarolineSchulz, NorbertNorbertSchulzSchlicke, HendrikHendrikSchlickeTrieu, Hoc KhiemHoc KhiemTrieuVossmeyer, TobiasTobiasVossmeyer2024-11-062024-11-062024-08-16chemrxiv: 13mrc (2024-08-16) this study, we investigate the mechanical properties of freestanding membranes made of graphene oxide (GO), titania nanorods (TNRs), and silk fibroin (SF) and demonstrate their application as electrostatically driven actuators. Using a stamping process, the membranes are transferred onto substrates with circular apertures or square cavities measuring ∼80 to 245 μm in diameter or edge length, respectively. Afterwards the membranes are exposed to deep-ultraviolet (DUV) radiation in order to photocatalytically convert GO to reduced graphene oxide (rGO). Microbulge tests combined with atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements reveal enhanced mechanical stability after the DUV treatment, as indicated by an increase of Young’s modulus from ∼22 to ∼35 GPa. The toughness of the DUV-treated membranes is up to ∼1.25 MJm-3, while their ultimate biaxial tensile stress and strain are in the range of ∼377 MPa and ∼0.68 %, respectively. Further, by applying voltages of up to ±40 V the membranes are electrostatically actuated and deflected by up to ∼1.7 μm, as determined via in situ AFM measurements. A simple electrostatic model is presented that describes the deflection of the membrane as a function of the applied voltage very well.Freestanding Membranes of Titania Nanorods, Photocatalytically Reduced Graphene Oxide, and Silk Fibroin: Tunable Properties and Electrostatic ActuationPreprint10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-13mrcPreprint