Smarsly, KayKaySmarslyPetryna, YuriYuriPetryna2021-08-092021-08-092014-077th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2014 - 2nd European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society: 1280-1286 (2014) faults in wireless structural health monitoring (SHM) systems may reduce the monitoring quality and, if remaining undetected, might cause substantial economic loss due to inaccurate or missing sensor data required for structural assessment and lifecycle management of the monitored structure. Usually, fault detection in sensor networks is achieved through a redundant deployment of sensors and further hardware components ("physical redundancy"), which involves considerable penalties in cost and maintainability. Overcoming these drawbacks, in this study the information inherent in the SHM system and the known relationships between the sensors are used for fault detection without the need for additional sensors ("analytical redundancy"). Furthermore, the analytical redundancy approach is implemented in a fully decentralized manner: Partial models of the SHM system, being embedded directly into the wireless sensor nodes, enable each sensor node to autonomously detect sensor faults in real time while efficiently using the limited computing resources.enAnalytical redundancyArtificial neural networksAutonomous fault detectionSmart sensorsStructural health monitoringWireless sensor networksInformatikArchitekturA decentralized approach towards autonomous fault detection in wireless structural health monitoring systemsConference PaperOther