Appino, Riccardo RemoRiccardo RemoAppinoMuñoz-Ortiz, MiguelMiguelMuñoz-OrtizGonzález Ordiano, Jorge ÁngelJorge ÁngelGonzález OrdianoMikut, RalfRalfMikutHagenmeyer, VeitVeitHagenmeyerFaulwasser, TimmTimmFaulwasser2024-02-142024-02-142018-09-30IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (2): 8478401 (2018-09-30) inherent storage of plug-in electric vehicles is likely to foster the integration of intermittent generation from renewable energy sources into existing power systems. To the end of achieving dispatchability of a system composed of plug-in electric vehicles and intermittent generation, we propose a three-stage scheme. The main difficulties in dispatching such a system are the uncertainties inherent to intermittent generation and the time-varying aggregation of vehicles. We propose to address the former by means of probabilistic forecasts, while we approach the latter with separate stage-specific models. Specifically, we first compute a dispatch schedule, using probabilistic forecasts together with an aggregated dynamic model of the system. The power output of the single devices are set subsequently using deterministic forecasts and device-specific models. We draw upon a simulation study based on real data of generation and vehicle traffic to validate our findings.en1558-0679IEEE Transactions on Power Systems2018215581568IEEEDispatch scheduleplug-in electric vehicleprobabilistic forecastingrenewable energystochastic programmingtime-varying aggregation of energy storagePhysicsReliable dispatch of renewable generation via charging of time-varying PEV populationsJournal Article10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2873409Journal Article