Gooßen, AndréAndréGooßenHermann, EugenEugenHermannGernoth, ThorstenThorstenGernothPralow, ThomasThomasPralowGrigat, Rolf-RainerRolf-RainerGrigat2021-08-032021-08-032010-12-01CEUR Workshop Proceedings 574: 276-280 (2010-12-01) this paper we propose an extension of active shape model based bone segmentation. We examine the benefit of using multiple candidates for new landmark positions during segmentation. To incorporate this information we compare three strategies of adapting the fitting algorithm. For evaluation we segmented the hip, knee and ankle joints in more than 100 digital radiographs of the lower limbs. We achieve superior accuracy compared to the classic algorithm and prove that segmentation results benefit from multiple candidates.enTechnikMedizinModel-based lower limb segmentation using weighted multiple candidatesConference PaperOther