Halfmann, NiklasNiklasHalfmannElstner, SteffenSteffenElstnerKrause, DieterDieterKrause2022-03-252022-03-252011Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference 9 (): 841-848 (2011)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/12106The determination of modular product structures requires a continuous evaluation of the measures taken. Modularization is an appropriate method for product structuring. It provides the opportunity of taking into account the requirements from different product life phases, such as the development, production or after-sales phase. The assembly, as an essential part of the production for the company, demands easy mountable products. Short lead times and flexible processes are the main requirements among others. The methodical procedure presented in this paper proposes the integrative representation of the product structure and its resulting assembly sequence in a single diagram. The developed tool provides the opportunity to perform structuring measures to the product and coincidently show the impact on the assembly process. For the evaluation the use of key figures is proposed. The relevant input for the calculation of these key figures is similarly extracted from the diagram. Conclusively, the procedure is applied to an example of aircraft interior development.enTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenDefinition and evaluation of modular product structures in the context of design for assemblyConference Paper10.1115/DETC2011-48343Conference Paper