Savić, AleksandarAleksandarSavićFreiberger, FabianFabianFreibergerPörtner, RalfRalfPörtnerJacob, ArneArneJacob2023-04-122023-04-122023-09-01IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology 7 (3): 236-244 (2023-09-01) article deals with broadband microwave measurements performed on single dead and living biological cells from CHO and HepG2 cell lines. It reports results obtained with coplanar waveguide reflection and transmission type sensors, respectively. A straight-forward single liquid calibration procedure allows to extract the complex cell permittivity and compare it to that of the surrounding medium. The contrast is analyzed through -value tests and in terms of the usual Cole-Cole parameters. The results demonstrate the distinguishability of the cell lines based on the permittivity.24697249IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology20233236244Biomedical measurementbroadband measurementsComplex permittivityElectrodesMicrowave circuitsmicrowave sensorsPermittivityPermittivity measurementSensorssingle biological cell characterizationsingle fluid calibrationStandardsCHO and HepG2 Single-Cell Characterization With Planar Microchip Sensors up to 40 GHzJournal Article10.1109/JERM.2023.3257480Journal Article