God, RalfRalfGod2019-08-162019-08-162006Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference (ESTC 2006)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/3119Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging technology to be used in volume for the identification and tracking of goods. For contactless communication with pallets, boxes and individual items an RFID label is applied onto the goods. The need for that kind of smart labels is estimated to be one billion in 2006 with an intense upward trend during the next decade. Due to an intended one-way use the cost target for a smart label currently is five US cents. To achieve this ambitious goal the development of novel manufacturing strategies for RFID products is of major importance. © 2006 IEEE.enLean manufacturing of RFID products - Put the chip on the box!Conference Paper10.1109/ESTC.2006.280149Conference Paper