Josten, MichalMichalJosten2020-03-162020-03-162019-06International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (4): 4948-4953 (2019-06) paper presents the development and application of an in-house manoeuvring method for the movement prediction of moored vessels. The method is based on a force model with force components for environmental and body forces. The components cover forces due to wind, waves and current. For the purpose of mooring system analysis an additional force component for the mooring line loads is introduced by using load-deflection curves. The results show the vessels trajectory during a loss of station keeping capability as a consequence of exceeded permissible mooring loads. In the presented paper the method is used for the analysis of a marine casualty due to harsh weather conditions.enAnchor DraggingManoeuvringMarine CasualtyMooringShip DesignStation KeepingPrediction of the movement of moored vessels due to exceeded mooring load limitsConference PaperOther