Regin, JohanJohanReginWestkämper, EngelbertEngelbertWestkämperSchröder, SvenSvenSchröderTünnermann, AndreasAndreasTünnermannDuparré, AngelaAngelaDuparréRitter, MartinMartinRitterStaude, AndreasAndreasStaudeGoebbels, JürgenJürgenGoebbelsKranzmann, AxelAxelKranzmannKrämer, PhilippPhilippKrämerWeckenmann, AlbertAlbertWeckenmannZimmermann, JanJanZimmermannSawodny, OliverOliverSawodnyLyda, WolframWolframLydaOsten, WolfgangWolfgangOsten2023-01-052023-01-052008-05-01Technisches Messen 75 (5): 346-359 (2008-05-01) information from different measurement procedures enables consistent and extensive characterization of 3D geometries and features. Methods of processing, merging, and analyzing multimodal measurement data are shown and used with exemplary measurements. The test specimen, based on a mi-crolens array, is examined by means of atomic force and confocal microscopy, white-light interferometry, computed tomography, and angle-resolved scattering. The power spectral densities of selected data sets are evaluated and merged to a single power spectral density of the test specimen. The different data sets are registered using a reference structure with reference markers, thus enabling a multimodal comparison of the respective measurement instruments.en0171-8096Technisches Messen20085346359Micro measurementsMultimodal data fusionPower spectral densityReference markersRegistrationMultimodal data fusion exemplified on a microlens arrayJournal Article10.1524/teme.2008.0877Other