Liu, XinwangXinwangLiuWan, DechengDechengWanAbdel-Maksoud, MoustafaMoustafaAbdel-Maksoud2020-09-242020-09-242020-10International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference: 3446-3454 (2020-10) a hull form optimization design with a relatively large number of design variables, numerous new sample hulls need to be evaluated which cause plenty of computation resource. Therefore, in order to avoid high-dimensional sampling, a design-space dimensionality reduction method based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition is implemented while retaining the geometric variation in the original design space as much as possible. The Wigley hull is considered as the initial ship in this paper. After the hull form deformation in the original design space is set, the design-space dimensionality reduction is carried out and a new, lower-dimension design space can be obtained. Finally, a comparative study of total drag optimization with or without design-space dimensionality reduction is given by doing several optimizations using OPTShip-SJTU. The optimal hulls are further validated by high-fidelity CFD solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU, showing that doing the design-space dimensionality reduction can reduce computation costs while giving relatively good optimization results compared to those in the original high-dimension design space.enDesign-space dimensionality reductionHull form optimizationOPTShip-SJTUProper Orthogonal DecompositionTotal dragComparative study of hull form optimization with or without design-space dimensionality reductionConference PaperConference Paper