Xia, LiLiXiaZou, ZaojianZaojianZouWang, Zi-HaoZi-HaoWangZou, LuLuZou2021-03-012021-03-012019-0911th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (IWSH2019), Paper 5http://hdl.handle.net/11420/8964Ship’s sinkage, trim and resistance will increase when entering shallow waters. It is of great significance to investigate the squat of ship in shallow and confined navigation areas. However, there are many factors affecting the ship’s squat, such as speed of the ship, block coefficient, water depth and draught of the ship et al. In this paper, the contribution of these factors to the squat is measured in empirical formula models using Sobol’s indices which is a useful method to quantify the respective effects of input random variables onto the variance of the response of a physical or mathematical model. Results are obtained from six empirical models, Barrass, Eryuzlu, Huuska, Yoshimura, Romisch and Ankudinov, demonstrating that the speed of the ship has significant influence while the shape of the bow/stern, single/twin propeller have little effect on the squat of the hull.enhttp://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/Empirical formulaSensitivity analysisSobol indicesSquatTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenSensitivity analysis for ship squat predictions using Sobol’ indicesConference Paper10.15480/882.330910.15480/882.3309Fluiddynamik und Schiffstheorie M-8Other