Wytrwat, TomTomWytrwatHartge, Ernst-UlrichErnst-UlrichHartgeYazdanpanah, MahdiMahdiYazdanpanahHeinrich, StefanStefanHeinrich2019-12-132019-12-132017-05International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, CFB: 245-252 (2017-05)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/4110An investigation of the turbulent fluidized bed regime was carried out using Group B particles according to Geldart's classification. The experimental plant was a CFB pilot-scale cold model (diameter: 0.4 m, height: 15.6 m). As bed material quartz sand (Sauter Mean the fluidized bed riser probe measurements were carried out at heights between 1.5 m and 8.34 m above the air distributor. A detailed validation of capacitance probe measurements in a fluidized bed system has been done by comparison with suction probe and pressure drop measurements. The gas velocity was varied in a range between 2 and 4 m/s. Results show a good agreement of solids concentrations measured by capacitance probe and pressure measurements. A typical core-annulus flow structure was observed. The results of the local solids circulation rate determined by capacitance probe were found to be different from suction probe measurements.enCapacitance probes for the investigation of the fluid dynamics of turbulent fluidized bedsConference PaperOther