Frank, MatthiasMatthiasFrankLurz, FabianFabianLurzWeigel, RobertRobertWeigelKölpin, AlexanderAlexanderKölpin2020-06-252020-06-252019-01IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, RWS: 8714239 (2019-01) paper describes the design and characterization of three different compact low-cost substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) leaky-wave antennas on a RO4350B substrate. In order to increase the gain of the basic leaky-wave antenna, two different arrays consisting of multiple parallel fed SIW lines are formed. Measurements of both return loss and radiation pattern were performed for all three antenna structures around 122.5GHz and show good agreement with the numerical results. The maximum realized gain has been determined to be slightly above 16dBi.en122 GHz low-cost substrate integrated waveguide based leaky-wave antenna designConference Paper10.1109/RWS.2019.8714239Other