Sohn, SeoyunSeoyunSohnRichert, ClaudiaClaudiaRichertShi, ShanShanShiWeissmüller, JörgJörgWeissmüllerHuber, NorbertNorbertHuber2024-04-232024-04-232024-05-01Extreme Mechanics Letters 68: 102147 (2024) explore the hypothesis that the variation of the effective, macroscopic Young's modulus, Eeff, of a random network material with its scaled topological genus, g, and with the solid fraction, φ, can be decomposed into the product of g- and φ-dependent functions. Based on findings for nanoporous gold, supplemented by the Gibson–Ashby scaling law for Eeff, we argue that both functions are quadratic in bending-dominated structures. We present finite-element-modeling results for Eeff of coarsened microstructures, in which g and φ are decoupled. These results support the quadratic forms.en2352-4316Extreme mechanics letters2024Elsevier modelingNanoporous goldNetwork materialsScaling lawsTopological genusEngineering and Applied OperationsPhysicsScaling between elasticity and topological genus for random network nanomaterialsJournal Article10.15480/882.950710.1016/j.eml.2024.10214710.15480/882.9507Journal Article