Gries, Stella Inge MarthaStella Inge MarthaGriesBrinker, ManuelManuelBrinkerZeller-Plumhoff, BeritBeritZeller-PlumhoffRings, DagmarDagmarRingsKrekeler, TobiasTobiasKrekelerLongo, ElenaElenaLongoGreving, ImkeImkeGrevingHuber, PatrickPatrickHuber2023-03-312023-03-312023-06-01Small 19 (22): 2206842 (2023-06-01) biological materials exhibit a multiscale porosity with small, mostly nanoscale pores as well as large, macroscopic capillaries to simultaneously achieve optimized mass transport capabilities and lightweight structures with large inner surfaces. Realizing such a hierarchical porosity in artificial materials necessitates often sophisticated and expensive top-down processing that limits scalability. Here, an approach that combines self-organized porosity based on metal-assisted chemical etching (MACE) with photolithographically induced macroporosity for the synthesis of single-crystalline silicon with a bimodal pore-size distribution is presented, i.e., hexagonally arranged cylindrical macropores with 1 µm diameter separated by walls that are traversed by pores 60 nm across. The MACE process is mainly guided by a metal-catalyzed reduction–oxidation reaction, where silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) serve as the catalyst. In this process, the AgNPs act as self-propelled particles that are constantly removing silicon along their trajectories. High-resolution X-ray imaging and electron tomography reveal a resulting large open porosity and inner surface for potential applications in high-performance energy storage, harvesting and conversion or for on-chip sensorics and actuorics. Finally, the hierarchically porous silicon membranes can be transformed structure-conserving by thermal oxidation into hierarchically porous amorphous silica, a material that could be of particular interest for opto-fluidic and (bio-)photonic applications due to its multiscale artificial vascularization.en1613-6829Small202322Wiley-VCH porositymetal-assisted chemical etchingporous siliconsilicasilver nanoparticlesTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenWafer-scale fabrication of hierarchically porous silicon and silica by active nanoparticle-assisted chemical etching and pseudomorphic thermal oxidationJournal Article10.15480/882.503710.1002/smll.20220684210.15480/882.5037Journal Article