Alieksieiev, VolodymyrVolodymyrAlieksieievBeigpoor Shahrivar, RafatRafatBeigpoor ShahrivarJahn, CarlosCarlosJahnLödding, HermannHermannLödding2024-10-042024-10-042024-09-0843rd IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, APMS 2024978-3-031-71645-4978-3-031-71644-7978-3-031-71646-1978-3-031-71647-8 logistics performance of inland transshipment terminals, such as rail-road container terminals, is crucial for establishing a reliable combined transport and for accomplishing sustainability goals. Main logistics objectives, such as high output rate and short throughput times, cannot be achieved simultaneously, creating an objective conflict. Modeling the interdependencies between the objectives can support terminals in determining an optimal operation point depending on their goals. Previously, these interdependencies have been analyzed primarily using complex simulation or optimization models. This paper presents an approach to model these interdependencies using Logistic Operating Curves (LOCs) and validates it using simulation.enCombined TransportInland Container TerminalLogistic Operating CurvesLogistics ObjectivesSocial Sciences::330: EconomicsModeling of logistics objectives at rail-road inland transshipment terminalsConference Paper10.1007/978-3-031-71645-4_7Conference Paper