Lázaro Blasco, FranciscoFranciscoLázaro BlascoLiva, GianluigiGianluigiLivaBauch, GerhardGerhardBauchPaolini, EnricoEnricoPaolini2021-03-162021-03-162021-03IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 67 (3): 9312617 (2021-03)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/9132In this paper upper and lower bounds on the probability of decoding failure under maximum likelihood decoding are derived for different (nonbinary) Raptor code constructions. In particular four different constructions are considered; (i) the standard Raptor code construction, (ii) a multi-edge type construction, (iii) a construction where the Raptor code is nonbinary but the generator matrix of the LT code has only binary entries, (iv) a combination of (ii) and (iii). The latter construction resembles the one employed by RaptorQ codes, which at the time of writing this article represents the state of the art in fountain codes. The bounds are shown to be tight, and provide an important aid for the design of Raptor codes.en0018-9448IEEE transactions on information theory2021315371558Erasure correctionfountain codesinactivation decodingLT codesmaximum likelihood decodingRaptor codesComputer Science - Information TheoryComputer Science - Information TheoryMathematics - Information TheoryBounds on the Error Probability of Raptor Codes under Maximum Likelihood DecodingJournal Article10.1109/TIT.2020.30490611809.01515v4Other