Baras, TorbenTorbenBarasMolke, AlexanderAlexanderMolkeSchwarz, AndreasAndreasSchwarzReppe, GünterGünterReppePohlner, JürgenJürgenPohlnerQuahs, DanyDanyQuahsSchwanke, DieterDieterSchwankeJacob, Arne F.Arne F.Jacob2021-11-022021-11-022008-10-01Frequenz 62 (9-10): 222-228 (2008-01-01) environmental qualification of a hybrid technology for satellite applications is presented. It is based on low temperature co-fired ceramic modules attached in a surface mount technology to a mother board on an aluminum base plate. For the module assembly flip-chip mounting using ultrasonic and thermocompression bonding is considered. As a validation the circuits are exposed to numerous mechanical and thermal testing procedures. In three qualification steps the different manufacturing methods are evaluated and discussed.An environmental qualification of a hybrid technology for satellite applications is presented. It is based on low temperature co-fired ceramic modules attached in a surface mount technology to a mother board on an aluminum base plate. For the module assembly flip-chip mounting using ultrasonic and thermocompression bonding is considered. As a validation the circuits are exposed to numerous mechanical and thermal testing procedures. In three qualification steps the different manufacturing methods are evaluated and discussed.en0016-1136Frequenz20089-10222228VDEFlip-chipHybridLTCCTechnikEnvironmental evaluation of LTCC flip-chip and surface mount technology for satellite applicationsJournal Article10.1515/FREQ.2008.62.9-10.222Journal Article