Ciavarella, MicheleMicheleCiavarellaPapangelo, AntonioAntonioPapangeloAfferrante, LucianoLucianoAfferrante2019-11-202019-11-202017-01-13Tribology International (109): 435-440 (2017) is shown that even small deviations from the ideal Gaussian random roughness case seem to lead to dramatic increase in adhesion of rough surfaces: this could be due to a finite number of asperities, or to a finite tail in the height distribution, particularly realistic at low fractal dimensions D, which is the case of most practical interest. It is emphasized that the assumption of a perfect Gaussian heigth distribution, including infinite tails, may be a strong one when studying adhesion in rough surfaces.en0301-679XTribology international2017435440Elsevier ScienceAdhesionDMT adhesion modelGreenwood-Williamson's theoryRough surfacesTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenAdhesion between self-affine rough surfaces: possible large effects in small deviations from the nominally Gaussian caseJournal Article10.1016/j.triboint.2017.01.003Other