Detlefsen, OleOleDetlefsenTheilen, LasseLasseTheilenAbdel-Maksoud, MoustafaMoustafaAbdel-Maksoud2020-11-092020-11-092015Marine Computational Methods in Marine Engineering VI: 750-761 (2015) Paper focusses on the development of a numerical method to simulate ship motions under arbitrary external forces. Based on impulse response functions, the developed method benefits from the computational efficiency of boundary element methods in frequency domain to determine hydrodynamic forces acting on the vessel. Major nonlinear effects are captured directly in time domain. To capture the vessels drift motion, second-order wave excitation is considered. Wind and current induced forces complete the modelling of environmental loads. An interface to MATLAB/SIMULINK simplifies an efficient representation of the vessels control system and the dynamics of its propulsion plant. This finally allows time-domain simulations of complex dynamic positioning manoeuvres in natural seaways.enTechnikTime domain simulation of dynamic positioning manoeuvres based on impulse response functionsConference PaperConference Paper