Maruyama, YuukiYuukiMaruyamaMaki, AtsuoAtsuoMakiDostal, LeoLeoDostal2024-01-252024-01-252024Journal of Marine Science and Technology 29 (1): 153-166 (2024) ships encounter large roll angles and high acceleration, and container loss remains a problem. This study proposes a method for calculating the probability density function (PDF) of roll angular and cargo lateral accelerations. First, the moment values of these accelerations are derived using the linearity of expectation, and the validity of this method is examined. Second, the PDF shapes of these accelerations are proposed and their coefficients are determined using the obtained moment values. Our proposed method can be used to derive the PDFs of roll angular and cargo lateral accelerations.en0948-4280Journal of marine science and technology20241153166SpringerCumulant neglectIrregular head seasMoment equationParametric rollingRoll angular accelerationEngineering and Applied OperationsStochastic assessment of acceleration probability density function for parametric rolling using the moment methodJournal Article10.1007/s00773-023-00975-0Journal Article