Hofelich, ManfredManfredHofelichMantel, Kai ValerianKai ValerianMantelBursac, NikolaNikolaBursacOmidvarkarjan, DanielDanielOmidvarkarjanMatthiesen, SvenSvenMatthiesenMeboldt, MirkoMirkoMeboldtSchneider, ThomasThomasSchneider2022-07-222022-07-222021-05Procedia CIRP 100: 678-683 (2021)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/13261With the aid of Engineering Simulators, laboratory environments are to be created which model engineering practice, enabling product developers to behave realistically. To be able to use Engineering Simulators for design support validation as a first step suitable attributes must be identified for modelling depending on the original and the purpose. The following different attributes are identified in a literature review: task, attendees, atmosphere, procedure, information provision, research leader, equipment, and data. Based on these attributes, the engineering practice of a mechatronic machine tool manufacturer is modelled. In an exploratory study, four tests are performed with the modeled Engineering Simulator. Hereby, possibilities for further design support validation due to realistic challenges that are triggered by specified attributes can be identified.en2212-8271Procedia CIRP2021678683Elsevierattributesdesign support validationEngineering Simulatorrealistic laboratory environmentTechnikAttributes of research environments for modelling engineering simulators for design support validationJournal Article10.1016/j.procir.2021.05.143Other