Balokas, GeorgiosGeorgiosBalokasKriegesmann, BenediktBenediktKriegesmannCzichon, SteffenSteffenCzichonRolfes, RaimundRaimundRolfes2019-10-212019-10-212019-12Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing (127): 105639 (2019-12) the concept of simulation approaches for manufacturing-induced imperfections of composite structures, this work proposes modeling frameworks for the consideration of stochastic deviations concerning the yarns of textile composite materials. The random distortion of a yarn's cross-section, is addressed by flexible 1D Fourier-based random fields, with the potential to be calibated from measurements of the deviations from the nominal yarn shape and their statistical characteristics. Furthermore, a Kriging-based modeling approach is presented, able to randomize any nominal yarn path in short or long range problems, considering data for the correlation and variance in a straightforward manner. The effects of defects due to stochastic yarn distortion and waviness, are investigated by simulating a forward uncertainty propagation problem of a triaxially braided composite material. The response variability concerning stiffness and strength for different uncertainty levels is highlighted, while several comments are offered regarding numerical issues and potential surrogate modeling techniques.en1359-835XComposites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing2019Braided compositesKrigingRandom fieldsStochastic modelingYarn distortionYarn wavinessStochastic modeling techniques for textile yarn distortion and waviness with 1D random fieldsJournal Article10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105639Other