Nunkoo, RobinRobinNunkooTeeroovengadum, ViraiyanViraiyanTeeroovengadumRingle, Christian M.Christian M.RingleSunnassee, VivekVivekSunnassee2019-12-112019-12-112020International Journal of Hospitality Management (91): 102414 (2020) research contributes to customer satisfaction knowledge with regard to accommodation in South Africa whose star grading differs. A multi-group analysis and an importance-performance map analysis by means of PLS-SEM allow us to differentiate between service quality performance scores and their influences on customer satisfaction across accommodation with a different star grading. The two most important predictors of satisfaction with one-star and two-star category accommodation are the accommodation infrastructure and the employee expertise. Both predictors were found to have relatively low levels of performance. Safety and security and room quality are two significant determinants of satisfaction with three-star establishments, although they under-perform with regard to safety and security. In respect of four-star and five-star accommodation, waiting time and customer interaction, both of which have above average performance scores, influence customer satisfaction. We provide specific guidelines for managerial interventions to improve service quality and guests’ satisfaction for each grading category.en0278-4319International journal of hospitality management2020Elsevier ScienceCustomer satisfactionService qualityAccommodationIPMAPLS-SEMHotelsWirtschaftService quality and customer satisfaction: the moderating effects of hotel star ratingJournal Article10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.102414Other