Saeidi, SamrandSamrandSaeidiNajari, SaraSaraNajariHessel, VolkerVolkerHesselWilson, KarenKarenWilsonKeil, Frerich J.Frerich J.KeilConcepción, PatriciaPatriciaConcepciónSuib, Steven L.Steven L.SuibRodrigues‬, Alírio E.Alírio E.Rodrigues‬2021-03-232021-03-232021-03-31Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 85 (July): 100905 (2021) change, global warming, fossil fuel depletion and rising fuel prices have created great incentives to seek alternative fuel production technologies. CO2 transformation to value-added products using renewable H2 has proven to be an emerging solution to enable this goal. In this regard, three different promising processes, namely methane, methanol and hydrocarbon synthesis via CO2 hydrogenation are thoroughly discussed. In addition, the influential factors affecting process efficiencies such as catalyst design and mechanistic insight, operating conditions as well as reactor types are investigated, with key pathways that dictate catalyst activity and selectivity of the most promising materials described. Furthermore, a brief overview of the reactor configuration and its crucial role in the improving process viability is analyzed. Accordingly, fixed-bed, fluidized-bed, annular and spherical reactors along with H2O/H2 perm-selective membrane reactors are disscussed for hydrocarbon production. In addition, different reactor configurations are compared to assess the best one that is adjustable depending on the reaction mechanism. Consequently, a corrugated-wall dual-type membrane reactor is proposed as an emerging alternative for CO2 hydrogenation to value-added products.enProgress in energy and combustion science2021Elsevier ScienceCatalysts developmentCO hydrogenation 2Mechanism studiesMembrane reactorOperating conditionsReactor configurationValue-added productsChemieTechnische ChemieRecent advances in CO2 hydrogenation to value-added products : current challenges and future directionsReview Article10.1016/j.pecs.2021.100905Other