Schulz, NorbertNorbertSchulzRiekeberg, SvenjaSvenjaRiekebergTrieu, Hoc KhiemHoc KhiemTrieu2021-02-222021-02-222016Mikro-Nano-Integration - 6. GMM-Workshops (2016) this contribution, an innovative fabrication process for one-dimensional (1D) nanostructures for sensing purposes is introduced. The fabrication process is based on the complete covering of different templates by thin layers of active sensing material grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD). The geometry of the sensing structures is predetermined by the geometry of the patterns embedded in the respectively used templates. ALD is the deposition process of choice, since the resulting thin layers with good step coverage and high conformity are well suited for reproducing the high aspect ratios of those patterns.enTemplate based one-dimensional sensing nanostructures grown by atomic layer depositionConference PaperOther