Prorok, StefanStefanProrokPetrov, AlexanderAlexanderPetrovEich, ManfredManfredEichLuo, JingdongJingdongLuoJen, Alex K.-Y.Alex K.-Y.Jen2020-04-222020-04-222013-12-30Applied Physics Letters 26 (103): 261112 (2013) this Letter, we demonstrate that the mode cut off of a photonic crystal waveguide can be trimmed with high accuracy by electron beam bleaching of a chromophore doped polymer cladding. Using this method, configurable waveguides are realized, which allow for spatially resolved changes of the photonic crystal's effective lattice constant as small as 7.6 pm. We show three different examples how to take advantage of configurable photonic crystal waveguides: Shifting of the complete transmission spectrum, definition of cavities with high quality factor, and tuning of existing cavities. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.en0003-6951Applied physics letters201326American Institute of PhysicsPhysikTechnikIngenieurwissenschaftenConfigurable silicon photonic crystal waveguidesJournal Article10.1063/1.4852178Journal Article