Kurin, ThomasThomasKurinIssakov, VadimVadimIssakovErhardt, StefanStefanErhardtWeigel, RobertRobertWeigelLurz, FabianFabianLurz2022-08-012022-08-012021-0418th European Radar Conference (EuRAD 2021)http://hdl.handle.net/11420/13348This paper presents an embedded mm-wave FMCW-radar based sensor system designed to monitor the structural health of a wind turbine rotor blade. Special consideration is given to the evaluation of thermal performance and the possibility of correlating measurements with the current rotor blade orientation. The sensitivity of the sensor in its embedded state is analyzed and evaluated for system performance.enmillimeter wave radarsensor systemstructural health monitoringwind energyAnalysis of a Physically-Embedded Radar Sensor SystemConference Paper10.23919/EuRAD50154.2022.9784551Other