Kriegesmann, BenediktBenediktKriegesmannJansen, Eelco LucEelco LucJansenRolfes, RaimundRaimundRolfes2018-07-112018-07-112016-11Thin-Walled Structures (108) : 369-380 (2016) Single Perturbation Load Approach (SPLA) is a promising deterministic procedure on the basis of mechanical considerations to determine reasonable design loads for cylindrical shells in axial compression. In this paper, two main issues are identified that should be understood better in order to appreciate the potential and the limits of application of the SPLA. Firstly, the question whether a single perturbation load in general represents a “worst case” imperfection is addressed. Secondly, the influence of the stiffness properties of the shell on the quality of the SPLA predictions is studied. Finally, an indicator is suggested which identifies, based on the cylinder stiffness properties, whether the SPLA is conservative for a considered shell or not.en1879-3223Thin-walled structures2016369380Elsevier structuressingle perturbation load approachIngenieurwissenschaftenDesign of cylindrical shells using the single perturbation load approach : potentials and application limitsJournal Articleurn:nbn:de:gbv:830-8822175310.15480/882.170811420/171110.1016/j.tws.2016.09.00510.15480/882.1708Journal Article